Giftedness and liking…… Geography

This image comes from the site, who provide a lot of free resources and free clip art for educational purposes, please click on the image if you would like to explore

‘Gifted and liking……. Geography!!

Many folk like Maps… knowing how to get places, where things are located, how to find them….  and even if you don’t, they are quite an essential thing to learn about, and how to go about reading them.  The thing is there are many different types of maps, and of course the information that goes with them, and what their purpose is, and what they can tell us about the subjects we are wanting to learn about.

Some kids even love them so much, they become their favorite activity… a relatives sons favorite (and requested) bedtime story between the ages of 2-3 was the world Atlas… he loved to pour over it with mom or dad, in the glow of the bedside lamp, learning all the river names in Russia, or the state capitols in the USA…. he filled his days with map jigsaws …. funny… this may be one reason why he is studying History today…  and has such a deep interest in the world…

Geography, knowing about places, where they are and how to get there can mean much more than just looking at maps however… and hopefully some of the links I have collected can help folks in helping their students see this and have fun doing so as well…  It can link to all kinds of subjects such as History..

It can also link to cultural themes or even Home Ec  such as this Food around the world..  Global table adventure..  or even an edible chocolate map…The world made of chocolate.….

It can tell us where languages came from,   or tell us real time stories about issues we are all dealing with in the world around us….

The highest mountains  and the deepest valley  and explore the biosphere…

This livebinder also contains a number of games which may also be a lot of fun, and help to engage an interest in the world around us… such as this one for learning latitude and longitude..

I hope that My livebinder on Geography may be of use, and stay tuned next Monday, I wonder which binder I will pick next?

Yours in Gifted


2. Giftedness and Liking… History

April 30, 2012 Leave a comment




Gifted and  liking… History… ‘

In this second post in this series, I will share a few links from my History Livebinder that has grown quite full over the last few years…. For those of you who are looking for some interesting or maybe unusual links to explore, and keep a kids spark alive, you just might find something of use in this binder.  As I have mentioned there is no general organisational strategy, and it is more like foraging in a treasure chest, it can be fun, and I am sure you will find some surprises (such as A Europe of Tales) and gems.

The Ancient explores, well a lot of ancient history including things like Anglo- Saxons, ancient Indonesia, ancient Poland, ancient Korea, ancient Americas…. well.. just a whole lot of ancient civilizations world-wide… great for kids who like ‘ancient’ stuff.

Here’s an interesting one… Bad Behaviour in Medieval Europe… some great stuff here that is interesting and surprising and might even bring a smile to a face now and then..  some ‘Did you know….. ‘ moments for sure…

Historical connections to Black history (USA).. including some very interesting information on the underground railroad, and secret quilt codes could also be cross curricular, and used I think with a home economics class perhaps… sewing a freedom quilt would be a neat way to experience history hands on…

There are a number of sites for Women in history too..

A Clickable Mummy…  could be fun for budding Egyptologists….

Historical Maps collections   and 100 bests sites to fine primary resources  and History in Youtube

Given Gifted kids propensity for liking unusual stuff.. there are items such as Historical Bottles   or  photographs in history  perhaps create their own Museum

Feel free to explore and play around in my History Livebinder, I hope you find something useful and also something you may not have known before!!  ;-D..  I would also like to invite anyone who may have a good link or two which could be added to the livebinder, I would be happy to include it… Happy hunting!!


Giftedness and nurturing blooms

April 26, 2012 5 comments


‘The Gifted like Orchids Bloom… ‘

(by Leslie Graves)

The Gifted are like the Orchid Blooms

the many shapes, and coloured hues

delight the eye, some with  perfume

each dancinng to their unique tune


It may seem easy, a pot with  rim

with earth, food, water, and hanging tins

from the outside, when  looking in

meeting their needs, growing these things


However each is unusual, special, and  rare

they take quite a bit of individual care

without wisdom and gentleness, one must beware

blooms remain buds, growing vines remain bare


Although, each individual, within this group

share some similarities, yes they do

the differences there, between any two

mean each may play a separete tune


And for each beautiful blossom to play

open, unfurling, a dramatic display

so to, like an orchid, gifted children I say,

must be grown, in a particular kind of clay!.

by @Leslinks (that’s me!!)


1. Gifted and…MATH

April 24, 2012 Leave a comment

This picture is from a very nice website called 'MathisFun' which is also included in my Math livebinder. I would ask that you visit it, with your students/children.. explore and have fun!!

‘Gifted and Interested … in.. MATH.. ‘

In this first of a series of 10 interest based pieces, in which  a number of links will be shared and discussed briefly in terms of how they may be useful in keeping certain students minds open to a subject that they could easily lose interest in, if very advanced, and being mainstreamed, or alternatively, may have no interest in due to a number of reasons, or feel that they have no use for past basic computation skills useful for buying items at a local mall.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I believe it can be useful to have an unusual collection of resources that just might keep a spark or interest alive in a subject for a student, thus allowing for continued engagement, this may be by linking it to another subject that you as the students teacher/parent or mentor may suspect would be met with a positive reception.  With this in mind, I recommend taking time to reflect about each student/child and write down what you have observed that they are into, or that you believe they may enjoy.. and then secondly think about how this could be linked or have relevance to the topic that is to be taught… in this instance we are talking Math.  Maybe you have a child that is/is not advanced/interested in Math, but also has a strong interest in Nature/gardening.  You  might be starting a collection of links or other activities based around these two themes as long as they are connected.  These then could be used/sprinkled throughout the year during lesson time or just spare time, to keep a student/child thinking and engaging with the subjects. Also to teach how interconnected subjects can be and why one may be necessary in real life at times, in order to fully understand and enjoy another.. and it’s intristic beauty..

To get you started, I am going to share a few items from my livebinders, in particular, and for this post the Livebinder on Math which I feel may be useful for some.  The binder is,  as all my binders are,  not very well organised, but does contain a wealth of links. I think of it more like a treasure chest that needs to be rummaged through as one looks for meaningful bits of treasure… you never know what you will find within.

Math and Nature 

A very visual way to show students how Math and our Natural World are connected would be to use videos such as this:


Another wonderful video, from How stuff works,  explains the connections between the two, just beautifully, click on the link below:

Understanding mathematics and Nature

It also explains geometric connections… this in turn, should one think it helpful, could also be applied to the idea that shapes, such as these are also integral to other disciplines such as Art, architecture and can come into play in many other subjects… Ask students to think how a triangle may be/relate to history?,  Strategical military planning ?, Gardening?…..   speaking of gardening…. take a look at the following links:

The Cosmic Garden– is a very special garden in England that is only open once a year for a limited time. It is laid out in all kinds of Mathematical pathways, shapes, structures, flower beds, bridges and forms… This would make a good field trip for anyone living nearby, or alternatively give ideas for a revamping project of a schools own garden… Could some of these ideas be adapted to suit? Would student(s) take on a challenge to build/plant a small mathematical cosmic garden at home/school grounds?

Labyrinth– or Mazes as they are more commonly known, also involve numbers and math… it may interest students to know that they are not only found in activity books or on sheets of paper… but there are many many different kinds, including living growing mazes in a number of gardens, both older historical ones, and more modern ones,  in different countries in the world.. There are even some that are made out of corn fields, or Maize Mazes,  and appear and disappear each year!!   Could students work out how to grow one?,  a mini one that perhaps a class hamster could negotiate?,  Or alternatively if living in a rural farming/corn/growing community could a school or class plan and see if they could  grow one over a year… A project that could yield fundraising money for the school, as students open the Maize Maze to the public a month before harvest, and could charge an entry fee….

Apart from these wonderful growing things links, there are loads of ways to explore … and a number of additional links to do so can be found by digging around a little in my math livebinder…

Math and Music?

There are connections between Math and Music… which might surprise but also spark interest in students who may have a passion for both or either..

Leibniz once said that “music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting”.  –  is a quote taken from this site called ‘Music of the Primes‘-  that has a wealth of information and resources

The Prime number listening Guide – calls itself – ‘a noisy introduction to prime number theory…’   — it has some good interactive and noisy activities…

Where Math meets Music  explores sound wave patterns, frequency and sound engineering

Harmony and proportion explores math in musical harmonies and interestingly linking back to philosophers (this could also have scope for those students who may enjoy classics… )

Feel free to explore my Math Livebinder by clicking below, for links such as these related to

Math and Art Math and Arquitecture Math and Food Math and Codes Math and Cards Math and knitting/quilts Math and cats Math and Real World Math and well, just a whole lot of things on this planet that we all share…

Happy hunting!!!  I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and  have found that the information that has been shared has been in some way helpful. Remember, this livebinder, and many others can also be accessed through the useful link tab from the top menu bar of this blog.

Which livebinder will I share and explore with folks next Monday?  Well, come back again and find out in 7 days time!!

Yours in gifted

Leslinks ;-D

Giftedness and interested in…..

April 22, 2012 1 comment

This shape is based on twelve 5-sided units like a dodecahedron. But they bump out, so the form is more like a small stellated dodecahedron. This was designed by Norah Gaughan, who provides instructions in this Berroco pattern, from a link found on the Math Mondays site. (This image of her work, comes from from a wonderful blog site called Math Mondays by George Hart for the mathematics Museum , click on this image to explore that site, the caption on the site also gives details and credit to the creator of the image found above and a link to the pattern as well)

‘Gifted and Interested… in ….’

Often, and in reality, it can be difficult to find the time to provide full on programs for gifted kids both in the classroom or at home, as life and things just seem to get the better of us, or time…. that elusive and precious element.. time… just seems to be lacking..  when this happens, it is important to keep in mind that the most important of all things is to keep a student interested, and to avoid disengagement if at all possible..  In my experience one way of doing this is to try and identify interests and then feed those interests, even in small doses, through the subjects you are needing to teach.. a few unusual attention grabbing links can go a long way to keep a few sparks alive.. and that in a nutshell is the whole point I would think.  Picture and Arty or Home Ec student taking part in a Math crochet or knitting project.. hmmm

Many of you are aware that I have not written for a while, some of you know the reasons why.  I would say that mostly it is because my energies  have been needed elsewhere, and necesitated putting my blog on a shelf for a bit.  However, my readers are important to me, and  It enjoy their contact and sharing helpful info.  So I have thought that maybe it might be fun to write a series of posts, on specific subjects related to my livebinder collections, that might be useful to folks who are working with Gifted or Exceptionally Able students (or may be gifted themselves) and could be looking for resources or added interest in a particular area….

As I have a gazillion Livebinders on a wide and broad range of subjects, there should be something which will be of use to folks over the next while… please let me know if you enjoy any of the choices I offer for your enjoyment, and also, if there is a subject, that you would like to see a collection of , that you would think might be useful to many, please also let me know.. I will do my best to put together a collection for you and others to share..  Stay tuned in Mondays… first Post in this series will be:

Gifted and… MATH

Hoping it will be enjoyable and that you find some treasures to keep the spark alive.. ;-D

Namibia Gifted Education Awareness Week

March 14, 2012 1 comment


It is always exciting to hear of a new country being proactive and raising awareness of its talented and able youth.  I am particularly pleased with this initiative because it means that there is an additional map and details which I can add to the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children’s Slide Share collection of countries around the world who are staging annual awareness events .  It will be nice to add Namibia, and include its name and to record its gifted awareness raising efforts in the World  Celebrations.

Culturally, Namibia seems to have a great artistic tradition that stretches back through its history, and is evidenced from its ancient rock paintings,  to more contemporary but exquisitely and beautifully  woven baskets, which provide an income to many families.  It is easy to see that colour and life are part of the Namibian soul by just looking at the fine art some of the most talented in their country has produced.

There is great poverty,   great wealth and an education system that  appears to be lacking in many resources, however it is also a brave country, with brave gifted advocates of its own, who are struggling to support both their academically gifted students and to maintain their traditionally artistic and talented communities.

I am sure that Namibia will benefit greatly from partnering with Roya Klinger, her work and her wealth of experience both in giftedness and artistic talent.

I want to wish all of Namibia great success with their Gifted Education Awareness Week, and thank Roya for asking me to participate in this blogtour in support of same.



On Giftedness and Gatherings

March 4, 2012 2 comments


On Giftedness and folks gathering…an Irish Gifted Conference

This is a short post. Just a reflection of one day in the life of Gifteddom in Ireland.  Today our countys only dedicated centre for gifted and talented children held it’s yearly conference. The centre is called CTYI, or the Centre for Talented Youth in Ireland. There were many interesting presentations, however the most important aspect was the oportunity for parents and teachers to network and share their stories with each other, and some solutions as well.  I would like to thank the centre for making this opportunity possible. A vital support in the times we all live in… For all the work that they do, and all the care, and lifelines they have thrown out to our gifted children and community… Gratitude is the word on this day.

On Gifted Education Awareness 2012

February 26, 2012 Leave a comment

‘On Gifted Education Awareness Events’

It has been quite pleasant noting that Gifted Awareness has been marked and/or celebrated in several places already here in the initial months of 2012.  In the USA, as far as I am aware this has happened in the  State of Maryland, which has dedicated a whole MONTH, the month of February, as Gifted Awareness Month, and also the State of Kentucky, which has set aside the dates of February the 19th- 25th as Gifted Education Awareness Week.

The third Awareness event, that I am aware of so far, is Ireland.  Ireland had its first Gifted Education awareness Day last year in 2011.  This year it is celebrating a Gifted Education Awareness Week,  during which it’s organisers have worked hard on several planned  events,  from the February the 27th thru to the 3rd of March, and twitter chats onthe 27th  #gtie and 28th #efchatie at 8:30pm(Irish time).   This year the 3rd of March is also the date for the yearly CTYI conference in Dublin, Ireland, applications are available by email through the CTYI website.  Dr. Kimberly Chandler from the College of William and Mary will be the Keynote speaker this year.

Personally, I am also exited because I’ve been given the opportunity to raise awareness through a  three-hour input lecture on Gifted Education to a large group of Learning / Resource Support teachers during the same week out at UCD, here in Dublin, Ireland.

Over the last year and MissionV have also done an amazing job raising awareness with piloting cutting edge technology programs in schools targeting high potential and hidden potential in students here in Ireland.

It is very encouraging to see these kinds of initiatives happening and I would, again,  like to encourage any readers in other countries to give a thought to how having a yearly focal point such as this could help motivate more support for their gifted populations.  I would love to continue to include any new Awareness events, such as these taking place, anywhere in the world, as I encounter them and in this post as the year unfolds.

Encounters with Giftedness and writing with dragons

February 22, 2012 1 comment

I was remembering a group of students I was working with on a writing workshop long ago.. it was a story about dragons on a different planet.  Not very innovative, granted, as there are many stories out there about dragons.  However, it was writers choice, so there you go.  Kids like dragons.  Gifted kids not excluded.  The difference was, they decided that each dragon had to be part of the same story, however each dragon would have a special strength, that would help them on a quest, a strength that  would  be  linked to their  riders in some  way. The idea being that this would get them to reflect on their inner selves and what they felt their strengths were, and how this would manifest in another (their dragons).  (the writers were the riders.. you understand)… they would be searching the planet for a ‘lost dragon egg’.. (no novelty there either I am sure.. )…  None of the students in this group in school had been identified as particularly able.  The interesting thing  about this story was the identification of one young lads perception of his strength and how this was displayed.  Jake ( a fictitious name), was rather quiet, timid and seemed reluctant to join into the conversation, however oddly, his eyes seemed to off into another place, as the possibilities within the story idea where being discussed.  A few minutes were given for the participants to draw a rough picture of their Dragons, which many did, complete with some of the various features associated with the ‘strengths and abilities’ they wished to attribute to their steeds.

We had many large and ferocious beasts, most breathed fire, had talons and special magic powers. Some were strong and athletic looking.  Some were very smart, and could mind read, or outsmart enemies.  Some were very colourful. We had a kind one that could heal others with it’s breath.  Jake, now Jake worked on his slowly and carefully, and was one  of the last to show me his  sketch. I was  taken aback by it’s unusual nature, as unlike the others it was not quite as big or bold or colourful.  Jake’s dragon not only wore glasses (like Jake), it was drawn in black ink, and constructed from swirls and curls, graphic artish, with large and beautiful wings.  More interestingly, instead of claws or talons, his dragon had pen nubs at the end of each toe on each foot..  When I asked him to tell me about this wonderfully intriguing creature, he replied ‘Well, as I am am ‘actually’ only  good at  writing, and  I am not very strong, at sport or anything, I thought I would give my dragon the power to ‘Rewrite’.  If I don’t like the way the story is going, or we need to change it than my dragons feet have the power to do that…..  ‘  Wow..

I think that was a powerful gift for a dragon to have…  I also think this was rather a good example of outside the box thinking from Jake.  A sign of potential giftedness, maybe??  As a teacher, would I be giving this kid a second look?  I like think about Jake now and then and wonder.  I’d like to think he’s doing alot of rewriting and writing and that someday I may be reading and rereading his stories… ;-D

On Giftedness and a Thought for the Less than Fortunate….

December 25, 2011 Leave a comment
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